We are bringing together leaders to take the achievements of the Rotary World Peace Conference 2016 to new levels of success by becoming members of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace.
The Conference was a groundbreaking event that brought together experts and leaders and passionate citizens interested in learning about and sharing solutions to the major issues we face today. What’s clear is that everyone in attendance wanted this enlightening process to continue.
We are looking for members who see Peace as a day to day process and want to be joined with others with the same enthusiasm and energy to make this happen. We invite you to join us as a member of the new Rotary e-Club.
Under the Rotary umbrella and organization, Rotary E-Club of World Peace members will receive both local and global support to advance their activities and initiatives to help improve our lives and communities around the world. Please add your name and voice to this history making on-line Rotary club and make this a reality by becoming a charter member. Please complete the information sheet, indicate your interests, and email back to us.
Be on record as a member of our newest club, committed to Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution, in Rotary. We need your voice now to stand with us and make a difference. Are you ready to take on the major issues today? Then sign up and let’s get on with the work at hand.
As Rotarians, you are welcome to join in meetings of the other 35,000 clubs around the world in over 200 countries and territories. You may also join in Rotary District 5330 and Rotary International activities, meetings and conferences.
On-line meetings will occur every week on Tuesday evening at 6:30PM Pacific Time.
Cost: Members will be responsible for membership costs to our club, our district and Rotary International. In order to cover these costs, we are asking each member to pay dues totaling $20.00 USD per month or $240 USD per year. With these dues you receive all the rights of a Rotarian. This includes but is not limited to liability insurance for Rotary events, access to Rotary International Conventions, District Conferences; the Rotarian magazine (hard copy or digital); access to the MyRotary parts of www.Rotary.org and www.visitrotary.com
Additionally, we will have the ability to request funding for grants from The Rotary Foundation to continue our good works, locally and internationally.
We are excited to have you join us. Together we have the power of 1.2 million Rotarians around the world to create positive and lasting change. Let’s Connect for Peace as Rotarians of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace.
Peace be with you,
Rudy Westervelt
District Governor 2015-16
Rotary District 5330